Michael Ave­nat­ti Claims He Is Will­ing To Tes­ti­fy In Trump Hush-Mon­ey Tri­al

Michael Avenatti Claims He Is Willing To Testify In Trump Hush-Money Trial

Dis­graced lawyer Michael Ave­nat­ti said he is will­ing to tes­ti­fy as part of the hush-mon­ey tri­al in New York against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump that involves his for­mer client, adult film star Stormy Daniels.
The New York Post report­ed on Sat­ur­day that Ave­nat­ti spoke with the out­let by phone from the Los Ange­les fed­er­al prison where he is serv­ing more than a decade behind bars for crimes that include extor­tion, fraud, and embez­zle­ment.
“The defense has con­tact­ed me,” Ave­nat­ti said, adding, “I’d be more than hap­py to tes­ti­fy; I don’t know that I will be called to tes­ti­fy, but I have been in touch with Trump’s defense for the bet­ter part of the year.”
Though the report said that Ave­nat­ti refused to divulge spe­cif­ic details about con­ver­sa­tions with Trump’s team, it not­ed that a source close to Trump affirmed that ongo­ing dis­cus­sions were tak­ing place.
Trump faces 34 felony counts of fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records to alleged­ly cov­er up pay­ments in a bid to con­ceal dam­ag­ing infor­ma­tion as part of a “catch-and-kill” scheme to influ­ence the 2016 elec­tion. He has plead­ed not guilty and crit­i­cized what he says …