PBS ‘Wash­ing­ton Week’ Gang Hails Speak­er John­son Find­ing His ‘Inner Rea­gan’ on Ukraine

<div>PBS 'Washington Week' Gang Hails Speaker Johnson Finding His 'Inner Reagan' on Ukraine</div>

The lat­est, for­eign-pol­i­cy-fac­ing episode of Wash­ing­ton Week with The Atlantic found the week­ly jour­nal­is­tic round­table quite com­fort­able with both Amer­i­can hard and soft pow­er — as long as Pres­i­dent Biden and the Democ­rats hold the reins.Jeffrey Gold­berg, mod­er­a­tor of Wash­ing­ton Week and edi­tor-in-chief of The Atlantic mag­a­zine, was joined by Eugene Daniels of Politi­co, Seung Min Kim of the Asso­ci­at­ed Press, Vivian Sala­ma of The Wall Street Jour­nal, and Graeme Wood of The Atlantic.There was a scat­ter­ing of hos­tile label­ing, with three “far right” labels foist­ed on Repub­li­cans, includ­ing a “very rau­cous far right.” PBS does­n’t find “far left” for Ilh …