Sen­a­tor Sul­li­van Slams Biden For ‘Despi­ca­ble’ Action He Took In Alas­ka: ‘That Is A Lie’

Senator Sullivan Slams Biden For ‘Despicable’ Action He Took In Alaska: ‘That Is A Lie’

Sen. Dan Sul­li­van (R‑AK) slammed Pres­i­dent Joe Biden over the week­end for tak­ing action to restrict ener­gy explo­ration and min­ing in his state while not enforc­ing sanc­tions against some of America’s top adver­saries.
Sul­li­van made the remarks dur­ing a Sun­day CBS News inter­view with Mar­garet Bren­nan on “Face the Nation.”
“I know you’re also pas­sion­ate about this and what the Biden admin­is­tra­tion just announced about your state of Alas­ka,” Bren­nan said. “He has lim­it­ed oil and gas drilling in parts …