USC Grad­u­a­tion Plans Devolve Into Chaos After Stu­dent Speech — And More — Axed From Pro­gram

USC Graduation Plans Devolve Into Chaos After Student Speech — And More — Axed From Program

Less than one week after can­cel­ing the stu­dent valedictorian’s planned com­mence­ment speech, the admin­is­tra­tion at Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia (USC) announced that they would also be rescind­ing invi­ta­tions to all out­side speak­ers who were sched­uled to be a part of the cer­e­monies.
The ini­tial announce­ment was made via an April 15th let­ter post­ed by the Office of the Provost on the school’s web­site, which said that stu­dent vale­dic­to­ri­an Asna Tabassum’s speech was being can­celed in the inter­est of pub­lic safe­ty.
Not­ing that the com­mence­ment cer­e­monies were like­ly to draw a crowd of more than 60,000, Provost Andrew Guz­man raised con­cerns about law e …