Israel-sup­port­ing House Demo­c­rat denies apol­o­gy from ‘rabid racist’ celebri­ty father

Israel-supporting House Democrat denies apology from ‘rabid racist’ celebrity father

Rep. Ritchie Tor­res (D‑NY) denied an apol­o­gy from celebri­ty father Mohamed Hadid after a report emerged that he had sent the New York Demo­c­rat sev­er­al homo­pho­bic and racist mes­sages.
Hadid, who is Pales­tin­ian and is the father of mod­els Bel­la and Gigi Hadid, has been out­spo­ken over his oppo­si­tion to Israel, even com­par­ing the Jew­ish state’s war against Hamas ter­ror­ists in Gaza to the tac­tics of Nazi Ger­many. Tor­res has been a fierce defend­er of Israel in its war in Gaza, which fol­lowed the Hamas ter­ror­ist attacks last Oct. 7.

Mohamed Hadid arrives at the Zodi­ac Ball, Thurs­day, Sept. 28, 2023, at The Hou­di­ni Estate in Los Ange­les. (Pho­to by Jor­dan Strauss/Invision/AP)

The New York Post report­ed over the week­end that Hadid had sent Tor­res, who is open­ly gay, sev­er­al mes­sages berat­ing hi …