Supreme Court rejects Kari Lake’s vot­ing machine law­suit

Supreme Court rejects Kari Lake’s voting machine lawsuit

The U.S. Supreme Court has opt­ed not to hear Kari Lake’s vot­ing machine law­suit, spelling fur­ther trou­ble for the for­mer Ari­zona guber­na­to­r­i­al candidate’s law­suit.
The law­suit had been filed by Lake and for­mer Ari­zona sec­re­tary of state can­di­date Mark Finchem, who argued in their court fil­ing that they had suf­fi­cient­ly argued that all Ari­zona-cer­ti­fied opti­cal scan­ners and bal­lot mark­ing devices “have been wrong­ly cer­ti­fied for use.” Pri­or to the Supreme Court declin­ing to take up the case, the law­suit was reject­ed by a fed­er­al judge in 2022, with that deci­sion affirmed by the 9th U.S. Cir­cuit Court of Appeals in Octo­ber 2023.
“We are obvi­ous­ly dis­ap­point­ed that the U.S. Supreme Court decid­ed not to review the deci­sions of the Ari­zona dis­trict court and the Ninth Cir­cuit, and order that our chal­lenge to the 2022 elec­tion pro­ce­dures be heard on the mer­its,” a Mon­day state­ment from Kurt Olsen, one of Lake’s attor­neys, said.

Repub­li­can Ari­zona Sen­ate can­di­date Kar …