CBS Man­ages Sto­ry On Stick­er Shock With No Men­tion of Infla­tion, Biden

There is a rea­son we call them Regime Media: their propen­si­ty to file sto­ries that pro­tect Pres­i­dent Joe Biden from any scruti­ny what­so­ev­er, and absolve him from respon­si­bil­i­ty over the present-day calami­ties. Case in point: the lat­est CBS Week­end News report on high car and insur­ance prices.
Watch as anchor Jer­ic­ka Dun­can intro­duces cor­re­spon­dent Jeff Nguyen’s report, where­in she assures view­ers that Nguyen will explain why car prices are so dog­gone high: 

JERICKA DUNCAN: Dri­vers are fac­ing the worst stick­er shock in a gen­er­a­tion. Take used car pri …