J.D. Vance Pins ‘Cam­pus Vio­lence’ On ‘Two Forces’ Cul­ti­vat­ed By The Left

Posted in Trump
J.D. Vance Pins ‘Campus Violence’ On ‘Two Forces’ Cultivated By The Left

Sen. J.D. Vance (R‑OH) said on Mon­day that “two forces” under­ly the “cam­pus vio­lence” amid reports of harass­ment against Jew­ish stu­dents as pro-Pales­tin­ian and anti-Israel protests sprout up at Colum­bia, Yale, and oth­er uni­ver­si­ties.
The chaos on cam­pus­es is the result of a “con­ver­gence” of dual fac­tors that “the Left has been open­ly cul­ti­vat­ing for years now,” Vance told Fox News host Jesse Wat­ters.
“On one hand you have well-edu­cat­ed lim­ou­sine self-hat­ing lib­er­als who get very good edu­ca­tions, but real­ly get­ting very good indoc­tri­na­tions. They are not get­ting an edu­ca­tion in any­thing,” he said.
“And then on the flip­side, you have the impor­ta­tion of mil­lions of peo­ple, some of whom aren’t prop­er­ly vet­ted and some of whom hate this coun­try,” Vance con­tin­ued, allud­ing to the migrant cri­sis.
“Those two forces are join­ing in Colum­bia and in Yale and pro­duc­ing this incr …