‘No Evi­dence’! Dana Bash Yells at Gov. Kristi Noem Over Who’s Behind the Trump Tri­al

<div>'No Evidence'! Dana Bash Yells at Gov. Kristi Noem Over Who's Behind the Trump Trial</div>

Gov. Kristi Noem (R‑S.D.) sad­dled up for anoth­er fight against CNN host Dana Bash on Sunday’s State of the Union. Two years ago, Bash pushed Noem around, insist­ing she sup­port an abor­tion for a raped 10-year-old girl in Chica­go. Noem kept attack­ing the rapist.
On Sun­day, the com­bat resumed over the Trump tri­al in Man­hat­tan. Bash kept press­ing Noem about how she couldn’t pos­si­bly sup­port Trump if he was con­vict­ed, and pulled out the usu­al “No Evi­dence” fuss­ing when Noem attacked the Bidens.

BASH: Pros­e­cu­tors allege Don­ald Trump fal­si­fied busi­ness records to hide hush mon­ey pay­ments weeks before the 2016 elec­tion. As I men­tioned, he vio­lat­ed both state, tax and fed­er­al cam­paign finance laws. So, are you say­ing that, even if that’s true, he should­n’t have been charged and that he’s above the law?
NOEM: What I’m say­ing is that these pros­e­cu­tors are using some­one a …