New rap song ‘Black MAGA’ music video debuts and touts ris­ing sup­port for Trump

New rap song ‘Black MAGA’ music video debuts and touts rising support for Trump

Rap­per For­gia­to Blow post­ed a new rap song, “Black MAGA,” on his YouTube chan­nel, “May­or of Magville,” this week.
The song is per­formed by the artist Black Don­ald Trump. The music video fea­tures var­i­ous “Blacks for Trump” signs on vehi­cles and T‑shirts.

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“Don­ald Trump. Yeah, that’s my pres­i­dent,” the rap­per sings in the music video with a crowd of African Amer­i­cans gath­ered in a park­ing lot.
The music video shows a blonde man who looks like for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump in sun­glass­es wear­ing a “Trump 2024” T‑shirt. The man play­ing Trump in the video is seen giv­ing a thumbs up as a woman in front of him is smack­ing the behind of a woman twerk­ing in short green shorts.
“Black MAGA! Black MAGA!” the rap­per yelled. “Don­ald Trump the first black pres­i­dent!”
He con­tin­ued, “Ever seen a black patri­ot? Yeah, we exist! The Democ­rats use my col­or just to stay rich. Indict my pres­i­dent. You might as well indict me too! Call me an Uncle Tom but real­ly, what did Oba­ma do? Not a damn thing. “
The video fea­tures sev­er­al peo­ple sport­ing their red hats with the num­ber “47th” embroi­dered on the top of the hat.
The song goes on to talk about a viral video moment dur­ing Trump’s recent vis­it to a Chick-fil‑A restau­rant in Atlanta where Michae­lah Mont­gomery, a black woman, came up to him and said to the for­mer pres­i­dent, “I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump, we sup­port you!” Trump gave the woman a hug and the crowd applaud­ed.
The song also high­light­ed the rapper’s views o …