Judge hands win to Stormy Daniels by quash­ing Trump sub­poe­na

Judge hands win to Stormy Daniels by quashing Trump subpoena

A judge in New York grant­ed porn star Stormy Daniels‘s request that a sub­poe­na she received from for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s attor­neys be quashed, accord­ing to a court order filed Wednes­day.
Judge Juan Mer­chan said the sub­poe­na, which Trump’s defense team issued to Daniels in March to obtain doc­u­ments from Daniels relat­ed to his hush mon­ey case, was “over­broad.”
“The Court of Appeals has held that a sub­poe­na is prop­er­ly quashed when the par­ty issu­ing the sub­poe­na fails ‘to demon­strate any the­o­ry of rel­e­van­cy and mate­ri­al­i­ty, but instead, mere­ly desire[s] the oppor­tu­ni­ty for an unre­strained for­ay into con­fi­den­tial records in the hope that the unearthing of some unspec­i­fied infor­ma­tion [will] enable [them] to impeach witness[es],’” Mer­chan not­ed.
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