NPR CEO Diss­es ‘Dis­trac­tion’ of Bias Com­plaints, ‘Bad Faith’ Crit­i­cism of Her Tweets

<div>NPR CEO Disses 'Distraction' of Bias Complaints, 'Bad Faith' Criticism of Her Tweets</div>

Wall Street Jour­nal media reporter Alexan­dra Bru­ell secured an inter­view with new NPR CEO Kather­ine Maher, and nat­u­ral­ly, she dis­cov­ered NPR does­n’t want any­one focus­ing on the “dis­trac­tion” of left­ist tilt. They don’t want any­one dis­turb­ing their “man­date” of tak­ing tax­pay­er mon­ey from Repub­li­cans and whack­ing them with it. The head­line defined it: 

NPR Chief Defends Cov­er­age, Accus­es Crit­ics of ‘Bad Faith Dis­tor­tion’ of Her Views
Kather­ine Maher said con­tro­ver­sy stem­ming from an editor’s essay crit­i­ciz­ing the radio net­work has been a dis­trac­tion

Bru­ell offered a sort of “poor thing” spin in how Maher’s tenure had a rocky start with the Uri Berlin­er expose and con­ser­v­a­tive Christo­pher Rufo’s unearthing of her woke tweets before join­ing …