WHAT? Threats Against Jews Dis­ap­pear From Pro-Hamas Protest Cov­er­age

The evening net­work news­casts are bare­ly into their sec­ond week­night cov­er­ing the vio­lent, pro-Hamas protests out­side Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty and through­out col­lege cam­pus­es across the nation, and there is already a dis­cernible shift in their cov­er­age. Direct threats against Jew­ish stu­dents have all but dis­ap­peared from cov­er­age.
In place of the threats and vio­lence, we get a lot more mil­i­tan­cy across the dial. Case in point and most emblem­at­ic is this snip­pet to close out CBS’s cov­er­age of the pro …