Gov­er­nor pro­pos­es teacher rais­es, reten­tion bonus­es

Governor proposes teacher raises, retention bonuses

(The Cen­ter Square) – North Car­oli­na Gov. Roy Coop­er on Wednes­day called for the state leg­is­la­ture to give teach­ers 8.5% pay rais­es and a $1,500 reten­tion bonus.
Coop­er also calls for a mora­to­ri­um on using pub­lic mon­ey for pri­vate school vouch­ers and for redi­rect­ing those funds to pub­lic schools. He called his bud­get pro­pos­al “Secur­ing North Carolina’s Future” and pre­sent­ed it on the day the Leg­is­la­ture returned for the begin­ning of its short ses­sion.
Cooper’s fis­cal plan also includes fun …