RARE: CNN Airs Crit­i­cism Of The Basis For The Bragg Case Against Trump

The Regime Media has pro­mot­ed, cov­ered, and obsessed over the Bragg pros­e­cu­tion of Don­ald Trump in New York City- the so-called “hush mon­ey” tri­al. And they have done so, con­tin­u­ous­ly. But tonight, CNN takes the extra­or­di­nary step of air­ing the case against the indict­ment.
Watch as Boston Uni­ver­si­ty law pro­fes­sor Jed Han­dels­man Shuger­man lays out the case, as aired on CNN News­Night With Abby Phillip on Wednes­day, August 24th, 2024 (click “expand”):

ABBY PHILLIP: Pro­fes­sor, you say- see, three red flags with this case. What are they?