Bill Barr says peo­ple shouldn’t take what Trump says so lit­er­al­ly

Bill Barr says people shouldn’t take what Trump says so literally

For­mer Attor­ney Gen­er­al Bill Barr con­tin­ued to defend his for­mer boss, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump from alle­ga­tions that he gave out orders to kill his polit­i­cal rivals.
Barr appeared on CNN’s The Source on Fri­day to respond to for­mer Trump staffer Alyssa Far­rah Griffin’s claim that he was in the room when then-Pres­i­dent Trump sug­gest­ed an anony­mous per­son who leaked infor­ma­tion about his admin­is­tra­tion should be killed. This was in ref­er­ence to the sto­ry of Trump going to a bunker when the 2020 protests over George Floyd broke out near the White House.
“I remem­ber him being very mad about that, I actu­al­ly don‘t remem­ber him say­ing exe­cut­ing, but I wouldn‘t dis­pute it. The pres­i­dent would lose his tem­per, say things like that. I doubt he would have actu­al­ly car­ried it out,” Barr said. “I think peo­ple some­times took him too lit­er­al­ly and he would say things like sim …