F1’s Mia­mi race sends cease and desist let­ter to Trump hop­ing to host fundrais­er at the event

F1’s Miami race sends cease and desist letter to Trump hoping to host fundraiser at the event

The Mia­mi Grand Prix sent a cease and desist let­ter to a promi­nent fundrais­er of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump after he planned to use a suite for a fundrais­er event.
The For­mu­la One race sent the let­ter to Steven Witkoff, a close Trump ally, who had rent­ed a suite at the race for fundrais­ing pur­pos­es, mul­ti­ple peo­ple famil­iar with the mat­ter told the Wash­ing­ton Post.

Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, left, vis­its a bode­ga, April 16, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwa­mu­ra, File)

“It has come to our atten­tion that you may be using your Pad­dock Club Rooftop Suite for a polit­i­cal pur­pose, name­ly rais­ing mon­ey for a fed­er­al elec­tion at $250,000 per tick­et, which clear­ly vio­lates the For­mu­la 1 Crypto.com Mia­mi Grand Prix suite license agree­ment,” the let­ter, obtained by the out­let, read. “If this is true, we regret to inform you that your suite license will be revoked, you will not be allowed to attend the race at any time, and we will refund you in full.”
The suite rent­ed by Witkoff said in its terms that it can­not be used for “adver­tis­ing, pro­mo­tion­al or com­mer­cial pur­pos­es (includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion, prizes, com­pe­ti­tions, con­tests, or sweep­stakes) with­out the pri­or writ­ten con­sent of Pro­mot­er and the F1 enti­ties…”
While Trump’s atten­dance wasn’t direct­ly adver­tised, mul­ti­ple peo­ple who had called about the event said it would be for Trump. The Secret Ser­vice had report­ed­ly called race offi­cials to coor­di­nate his stay.
“This is some­thing fake, for sure,” Witkoff said when reached for com­ment by the out­let, declin­ing to elab­o­rate fur­ther.