Brit­ney Spears set­tles legal bat­tle with estranged father, offi­cial­ly end­ing con­ser­va­tor­ship

Britney Spears settles legal battle with estranged father, officially ending conservatorship

Pop music icon Brit­ney Spears reached a set­tle­ment with her estranged father, James P. Spears, more than two years after the court-ordered ter­mi­na­tion of her con­ser­va­tor­ship that gave him con­trol over her affairs.
The terms of the set­tle­ment were not dis­closed fol­low­ing court fil­ings made by both par­ties in the Los Ange­les Supe­ri­or Court on Thurs­day, as legal bat­tles per­sist­ed over attor­ney fees and Spears’s alle­ga­tions of her father’s improp­er behav­ior dur­ing the 13-year-long con­ser­va­tor­ship.
“Although the con­ser­va­tor­ship was ter­mi­nat­ed in Novem­ber 2021, her wish for free­dom is now tru­ly com­plete,” Spears’s attor­ney, Matthew Rosen­gart, told CNN in a state­ment. “As she desired, her free­dom now includes that she will no longer need to at …