PBS Is ‘Frus­trat­ed’ By Lack Of ‘Nuance’ On Reac­tion To Cam­pus Encamp­ments

New York Times colum­nist David Brooks and Wash­ing­ton Post asso­ciate edi­tor Jonathan Cape­hart both claimed to be “frus­trat­ed” on Fri­day’s PBS New­sHour that the encamp­ments occur­ring on col­lege cam­pus­es are not being treat­ed with the “nuance” they deserve. They both called for the anti-Semit­ic among the demon­stra­tors to be expelled, but insist­ed most are hon­est and sin­cere peo­ple who sim­ply want to see the suf­fer­ing of Gazans end.
Host Amna Nawaz start­ed by ask­ing Brooks, “David, they have spread very quick­ly. They are su …