CNN Host Vic­tor Black­well Touts Book Blam­ing Racism for Wealth Gap in USA

CNN Host Victor Blackwell Touts Book Blaming Racism for Wealth Gap in USA

On Sat­ur­day’s First of All show, CNN host Vic­tor Black­well devot­ed a seg­ment to blam­ing racism for income dif­fer­ences between whites and blacks as he inter­viewed a lib­er­al jour­nal­ist who wrote about book about the “white bonus” she claims to have ben­e­fit­ed from as a white Amer­i­can. Tra­cie McMil­lan, author of The White Bonus, sug­gest­ed that racism in the present still holds black Amer­i­cans down as she rec­om­mend­ed end­ing racism as the rem­e­dy to lag­ging black incomes. 
Black­well tied the term to the loaded con­cept of “white priv­i­lege” as he intro­duced the seg­ment:

Agree with the con­cept or not, you’ve prob­a­bly heard, though, about white priv­i­lege — soci­etal and social priv­i­leges tied to race. But have you heard about the “white bonus.” Fed­er­al data shows that for ever dol­lar that white Amer­i­cans make, black Amer­i­cans make 76 cents. In 2022, black Amer­i­cans’ medi­an house­hold wealth was almost $45,000 — …