FLASHBACK: Lib Reporters Cham­pi­oned ’06 Ille­gal Immi­grant Protests

FLASHBACK: Lib Reporters Championed ’06 Illegal Immigrant Protests

Eigh­teen years ago this week, the lib­er­al net­works donat­ed their air­waves to the cause of pro­test­ers seek­ing to kill a bill which would have increased the fed­er­al government’s abil­i­ty to enforce immi­gra­tion laws. The May 1, 2006 protests were part of a wave of activism that spring spon­sored by left-wing groups aimed at derail­ing GOP efforts to curb ille­gal immi­gra­tion — even as polls at the time showed four out of five Amer­i­cans (81%) thought ille­gal immi­gra­tion was “out of con­trol.”
[For per­spec­tive: in 2006, there were a total of 1,089,096 encoun­ters with ille­gal immi­gr …