Pro-Israel groups ramp up efforts to oust pro­gres­sive tar­gets over Gaza

Pro-Israel groups ramp up efforts to oust progressive targets over Gaza

Pro-Israel groups are ramp­ing up efforts to tar­get incum­bent pro­gres­sives who have crit­i­cized both Israel’s mil­i­tary action in Gaza and con­tin­ued U.S. sup­port for Israel, even as the first mem­ber of the so-called “Squad” sur­vived a pri­ma­ry chal­lenge this week.
Rep. Sum­mer Lee (D‑PA) defeat­ed mod­er­ate rival Bha­vani Patel this week. Lee had been one of the ear­li­est and most vocal crit­ics of Israel’s mil­i­tary response to the Oct. 7 attacks and rep­re­sents a dis­trict with a sig­nif­i­cant Jew­ish pop­u­la­tion.‘
Lee’s chal­lenger focused on her views on Israel through­out the cam­paign, but the con­gress­woman was not a tar­get of influ­en­tial groups like the Amer­i­can Israel Pub­lic Affairs Com­mit­tee or the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Major­i­ty for Israel PAC. Both groups opt­ed to stay out of the pri­ma­ry.
“The hard­est thing to do in pol­i­tics is to defeat an incum­bent mem­ber of the House. We didn’t …