Democ­rats look to expand abor­tion play­book to tar­get Repub­li­cans on IVF

Democrats look to expand abortion playbook to target Republicans on IVF

House Democ­rats are expand­ing their repro­duc­tive rights play­book by launch­ing an effort to warn that in vit­ro fer­til­iza­tion could be at risk if Repub­li­cans con­tin­ue to hold the major­i­ty despite efforts by GOP law­mak­ers to pre­serve access to the pro­ce­dure.
The strat­e­gy stems from Demo­c­ra­t­ic action after the over­turn­ing of Roe v. Wade, which returned the ques­tion of abortion’s legal­i­ty back to the states and has moti­vat­ed mas­sive vot­er turnout among the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty over the last two years.
Repub­li­cans have strug­gled to estab­lish a uni­fied mes­sage on in vit­ro fer­til­iza­tion, which was brought to the fore­front after the Alaba­ma Supreme Court ruled in Feb­ru­ary that embryos cre­at­ed through IVF should be con­sid­ered chil­dren. As a result, the destruc­ti …