Trump Found Guilty. Pray For The Repub­lic.

Trump Found Guilty. Pray For The Republic.

Late on Thurs­day after­noon, Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy came under extra­or­di­nary threat when a New York jury, twelve New York­ers, decid­ed to con­vict Don­ald Trump. 
Trump was found guilty by the jury on 34 sep­a­rate felony counts. If he is sen­tenced to jail time, that jail time could be up to four years, if all the sen­tences run con­cur­rent­ly. It’s a trav­es­ty of jus­tice.
This case was a joke from the very begin­ning. Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg, who set this entire thing up to become more famous and more pow­er­ful. Judge Juan Mer­chan, who basi­call …

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