ABC And CBS Skip Trump’s Post-Ver­dict Speech

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump gave a speech on Fri­day to denounce his con­vic­tion and the pre­ced­ing tri­al, but of the three main net­works, only NBC both­ered to break into their reg­u­lar sched­uled pro­gram­ming and car­ry it live and give their audi­ence Trump’s per­spec­tive.
Trump began speak­ing at 11:06 a.m. East­ern and includ­ed a spe­cial report from anchor Lester Holt and cor­re­spon­dent Hal­lie Jack­son. Trump spoke for 20 min­utes until they cut him off to ana­lyze his remarks wi …

Red State Roundup