Here are the restric­tions Trump faces as a felon

Here are the restrictions Trump faces as a felon

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump could find him­self fac­ing more restric­tions on his life than he has ever had to han­dle.
The his­toric con­vic­tion of 34 felony counts on Thurs­day was met with reac­tions vary­ing from despair from some in the Repub­li­can Par­ty to glee from Democ­rats.
Trump react­ed angri­ly, declar­ing, “The real ver­dict is going to be Nov. 5.”
He could have rea­son to be angry. Trump’s con­vic­tion labels him as a felon unless he can get the rul­ing over­turned in the appeals process.
That enables Flori­da to ban Trump from doing a vari­ety of activ­i­ties that cit­i­zens who aren’t felons could take for grant­ed. Here are the ones we know.
Right to vote
Trump may or may not be allowed to vote for him­self this Novem­ber, as …

Red State Roundup