Giu­liani rec­om­mend­ed for dis­bar­ment in DC over 2020 elec­tion fraud claims

Giuliani recommended for disbarment in DC over 2020 election fraud claims

The Dis­trict of Colum­bia Bar’s Board on Pro­fes­sion­al Respon­si­bil­i­ty rec­om­mend­ed Fri­day that for­mer Trump attor­ney Rudy Giu­liani be stripped of his license to prac­tice law in Wash­ing­ton.
The board cit­ed claims Giu­liani made about elec­tion fraud in a Penn­syl­va­nia law­suit after Joe Biden defeat­ed then-Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump in 2020. Among the alle­ga­tions he made was that some coun­ty boards of elec­tions “[stuffed] the bal­lot box” with ille­gal votes for Biden, who won the state by just over 80,000 votes.
Giu­liani “prof­fered no facts to sup­port the claims he made and his opin­ion that elec­tion impro­pri­ety occurred does not meet the require­ments for fil­ing a law­suit,” accord­ing to the board. “Giv­en this, after an objec­tive appraisal of the mer­its, a rea­son­able lawyer would have …