Dal­las Fed: Texas is the ‘stick­i­est state’ in the U.S.

Dallas Fed: Texas is the ‘stickiest state’ in the U.S.

(The Cen­ter Square) – As migra­tion trends con­tin­ue to show peo­ple are con­tin­u­ing to move to Texas, those who are the least like­ly to leave are native Tex­ans, mak­ing Texas the “stick­i­est” state, the Fed­er­al Reserve Bank of Dal­las said.
“Texas is the nation’s stick­i­est state. The natives aren’t leav­ing,” it said in an analy­sis of Cen­sus Bureau migra­tion data.
A new report by a British pub­li­ca­tion cites the analy­sis high­light­ing state migra­tion trends, say­ing, “Texas is …

Red State Roundup