Sun­ny Hostin says there’s a ‘good chance’ Trump could go to jail for ‘just six months’

Sunny Hostin says there’s a ‘good chance’ Trump could go to jail for ‘just six months’

The View’s Sun­ny Hostin said on Mon­day that there’s a “good chance” for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump could go to jail for “just six months.”
Hostin and her co-hosts spec­u­lat­ed about the polling and prospects of Trump being sen­tenced to house arrest or jail time for pos­si­bly “six months” fol­low­ing his con­vic­tion in the crim­i­nal case in New York.
“We were look­ing at the stats before, and some­thing like 74% of Amer­i­cans said if there is a con­vic­tion, not only do they want him to go to jail, but they want him, like, under the jail, and they want him to pay the con­se­quences. Sev­en­ty-four per­cent of Amer­i­cans,” co-host Sun­ny Hostin said.
She con­tin­ued, “July 11 is the sen­tenc­ing, right? They’re talk­ing home arrest and pos­si­bly putting him in jail.”

“Peo­ple do get sen­tenced and put in jail pri­or to the appeal. If not, the Inno­cence Project wouldn’t even exist. There is a very good chance I think h …

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