Hunter Biden’s sil­ver lap­top shown to court­room dur­ing gun tri­al

Hunter Biden’s silver laptop shown to courtroom during gun trial

WILMINGTON, Delaware — Pros­e­cu­tors began pre­sent­ing their case against Hunter Biden at his gun tri­al on Tues­day by show­ing the court­room the first son’s infa­mous lap­top and high­light­ing pho­tos and mes­sages from it.
Biden’s lead defense attor­ney Abbe Low­ell looked at Judge Maryellen Nor­ei­ka, with the sil­ver lap­top in his periph­er­al, and said he did not object to the gov­ern­ment enter­ing it into evi­dence. Low­ell, how­ev­er, also had oppor­tu­ni­ties to present his own case to jurors.
The pan­el of 12 Delaware­ans, who were select­ed one day pri­or, lis­tened as both par­ties deliv­ered open­ing state­ments and ques­tioned pros­e­cu­tors’ first wit­ness, FBI agent Eri­ka Jensen.
Jensen con­firmed the authen­tic­i­ty of the lap­top, as well as cer­tain items of evi­dence from Biden’s com­put­er data and excerpts from a mem­oir he w …

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