Vic­to­ria Spartz denies claims of ‘abuse’ and ‘rage’ toward staff after report of Ethics inquiry

Victoria Spartz denies claims of ‘abuse’ and ‘rage’ toward staff after report of Ethics inquiry

Rep. Vic­to­ria Spartz’s (R‑IN) cam­paign denied claims that she’s the sub­ject of a House Ethics Com­mit­tee inquiry into her treat­ment of staff after a report emerged of her alleged “abuse.”
Spartz is fac­ing alle­ga­tions that she ver­bal­ly abused staffers, imposed pay cuts on them, and affect­ed oth­ers with her “rage” and “gen­er­al tox­i­c­i­ty,” accord­ing to Politi­co.
The Indi­ana Republican’s cam­paign advis­er, Dan Hazel­wood, denied that the com­mit­tee had con­tact­ed her. He also dis­missed accu­sa­tions against her, includ­ing one in which for­mer employ­ees alleged Spartz said, “I would rather die than not com­plete a task. Can you give me that same lev­el of com­mit­ment?”

Rep. Vic­to­ria Spartz (R‑IN) speaks dur­ing a Lin­coln Day Din­ner, Thurs­day, May 2, 2024, in Noblesville, Indi­ana. (AP Photo/Darron Cum­mings)

“The con­gress­woman has long been crit­i­cal that too many in Wash­ing­ton want pow­er, pay, and priv­i­lege then turn around and do noth­ing,” Hazel­wood said in a state­ment to the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er.
“When the sys­tem is held to account, we get anony­mous rumors an …

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