Trump’s con­vic­tion boosts fundrais­ing for oth­er GOP can­di­dates

Trump’s conviction boosts fundraising for other GOP candidates

EXCLUSIVE — Don­ald Trump’s guilty ver­dict in New York has not only act­ed as a cash cow for his own cam­paign, but it has also trick­led down to ben­e­fit down-bal­lot can­di­dates who have polit­i­cal­ly aligned them­selves with the for­mer pres­i­dent.
Trump’s con­vic­tion has become “jet fuel” of sorts for GOP can­di­dates, some strate­gists say, as a hand­ful of Trump-aligned Repub­li­cans have received a surge in fundrais­ing since the ver­dict was announced last week. Among those can­di­dates is Tony Wied, who is run­ning to replace for­mer Rep. Mike Gal­lagher in Wis­con­sin and is backed by both Trump and his son Don­ald Trump Jr.
In fact, Wied is expect­ed to rake in more than $150,000 dur­ing a Tues­day night fundrais­er in Green Bay, accord­ing to fig­ures first shared with the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er — mark­ing a huge haul for the Repub­lic …

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