Con­ser­v­a­tives POUNCE on Team Kamala’s Trash Talk and Strange Hypocrisy on Debate Dates

<div>Conservatives POUNCE on Team Kamala's Trash Talk and Strange Hypocrisy on Debate Dates</div>

Scores of con­ser­v­a­tives took to Twit­ter (or X) Sat­ur­day to taunt Kamala Har­ris after her team claimed Trump was “run­ning scared” from a debate against her on Sep­tem­ber 10 on ABC. On Fri­day night, Trump announced on his Truth Social account that he and Fox News agreed to a pres­i­den­tial debate on Sep­tem­ber 4 in front of a full are­na. He said the ABC debate had been “ter­mi­nat­ed in that Biden will no longer be a par­tic­i­pant.”
So appar­ent­ly, Trump is nego­ti­at­ing for new terms.…since the Democ­rats forced out Biden to coro­nate Har­ris.
The “Kamala HQ” X account tweet­ed “our state­ment” (not Har­ris in par­tic­u­lar?) trash-talk­ing that “Don­ald Trump is run­ning scared and try­ing to back …