‘Lit­tle black book’ could reveal if Jef­frey Epstein was a spy

‘Little black book’ could reveal if Jeffrey Epstein was a spy

The hold­er of Jef­frey Epstein’s “lit­tle black book” believes it could hold the answer to sus­pi­cions that the late sex offend­er was a for­eign spy.
Eager for the cryp­tic scrib­bles and num­bers to be inves­ti­gat­ed, the anony­mous own­er is putting the book up for online pub­lic auc­tion on Aug. 16, with the goal of sell­ing it to some­body capa­ble of track­ing down those named in it.
Auc­tion­eer Bill Panagop­u­los, pres­i­dent of Mary­land-based Alexan­der His­tor­i­cal Auc­tions, told Secrets on Tues­day that in a pre­vi­ous sealed-bid auc­tion, the book’s own­er turned down a six-fig­ure offer.
“As it turns out, when we offered the book for sealed-bid offers, we received a hand­ful of offers, one at six fig­ures. Sell­er chose to roll the bones at our pub­lic auc­tion instead,” but it didn’t work out, Panagop­u­los said.

Jef­frey Epstein’s lit­tle black book. Pho­to pro­vid­ed by Alexan­der His­tor­i­cal Auc­tions

“He’s far more con­cerned about the data with­in being researched, espe­cial­ly trac­ing the num­bers with …