How Trump, or Kamala, could win, as all sides zero in on the debate

How Trump, or Kamala, could win, as all sides zero in on the debate

No one knows who’s going to win this election.The polls are so tight in the top bat­tle­ground states, with Don­ald Trump or Kamala Har­ris lead­ing by a point or two – a sta­tis­ti­cal tie – that a small num­ber of vot­ers or even the weath­er could make the difference.There is a sense that Kamala’s cru­sade has stalled. She got no bump from the Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­ven­tion, per­haps because her joy-filled, vibes-based cam­paign had already soared dur­ing her first month as the nominee.Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s approval rat­ing has jumped to 48 per­cent, the high­est of his pres­i­den­cy. Some pun­dits are cred­it­ing an improve­ment in the econ­o­my, but that’s not it. It’s because the pres­i­dent is large­ly out of the l …