INSANE Kathy Grif­fin Defends Pic Hold­ing Trump’s Bloody Sev­ered Head

INSANE Kathy Griffin Defends Pic Holding Trump’s Bloody Severed Head

Revi­sion­ist his­to­ry and hypocrisy were once again the theme of ABC’s The View, on Tues­day. So-called “come­di­an” Kathy Grif­fin was one of the spe­cial guests, there to pitch her new “com­e­dy” tour, and she defend­ed her infa­mous pic­ture of her hold­ing up an effi­gy of then-Pres­i­dent Trump’s bloody sev­ered head. She got rau­cous sup­port from the Cack­ling Coven for how she was not “afraid to take on pow­er­ful men” in that way.
“This is your first tour in six years,” mod­er­a­tor Whoopi Gold­berg false­ly declared. “Six years I was out of work because of that ! There, I said what it was!” Grif­fin cursed and lied.
In real­i­ty, the sup­posed harm to her career was either all in her bro­ken head or part of the false nar­ra­tive she was using to get sym­pa­thy and left­ies to turn out to her shows. As News­Busters report­ed by i …