NPR Insid­er BOMBSHELL: We Lost Pub­lic Trust by Lurch­ing Left­ward, Refus­ing to Cor­rect

NPR Insider BOMBSHELL: We Lost Public Trust by Lurching Leftward, Refusing to Correct

There’s a block­buster arti­cle at Bari Weiss’s web­site The Free Press today, head­lined “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.” Will the writer still be at NPR after this arti­cle makes the rounds?
It’s Uri Berlin­er, a Senior Busi­ness Edi­tor for the “pub­lic” radio giant. He begins by estab­lish­ing that he’s a stan­dard NPR-type lib­er­al, but he’s con­cerned about the cur­rent tilt of NPR’s audi­ence: 

Back in 2011, although NPR’s audi­ence tilt­ed a bit to the left, it still bore a resem­blance to Amer­i­ca at large. Twen­ty-six per­cent of lis­ten­ers described them­selves as con­ser­v­a­tive, 23 per­cent as mid­dle of the road, and 37 per­cent as lib­er­al.
By 2023, the pic­ture was com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent: only 11 per­cent described them­selves as very or some­what con­ser­v­a­tive, 21 per­cent as mid­dle of the road, and 67 per­cent of lis­ten­ers said they were very or some­what lib­er­al. We weren’t just los­ing con­ser­v­a­tives; we were also los­ing mod­er­ates and tra­di­tion­al lib­er­als. 

Berlin­er thinks NPR used to be more bal­anced (we’ll agree to dis­agree), but it all went awry …