Defense Sec­re­tary Austin Shoots Down Claims Of Geno­cide In Gaza

Defense Secretary Austin Shoots Down Claims Of Genocide In Gaza

Dur­ing a Sen­ate hear­ing on Tues­day, Defense Sec­re­tary Lloyd Austin pushed back against claims of a geno­cide being com­mit­ted in Gaza, where Israel is fight­ing Hamas ter­ror­ists.
Sen. Tom Cot­ton (R‑AR) asked Austin to give a response to activists, some of whom have accused the defense sec­re­tary him­self of facil­i­tat­ing geno­cide, after he tes­ti­fied that Hamas has been com­mit­ting war crimes by using civil­ians as human shields.
“We don’t have any evi­dence of geno­cide being cre­at­ed,” Austin said. When pressed to address whether Israel specif­i­cal­ly is com­mit­ting geno­cide, he added, “We don’t have evi­dence of that, to my knowl­edge.”

COTTON: “Address pro­tes­tors: Is Israel com­mit­ting geno­cide in Gaza?“AUSTIN: “We don’t have any evi­dence of geno­cide being created”“So that’s a no. Israel is not com­mit­ting geno­cide in Gaza”“We don’t have evi­dence of that”“Better than Dir. Burns and Dir. Haines did last month”
— Howard Mort­man (@HowardMortman) April 9, 2024

Cot­ton cred­it­ed Austin with doing “bet­ter” than CIA Direc­tor William Burns and Direc­tor of Nation­al I …