Michael Ave­nat­ti says he’s spo­ken to Trump’s team about tes­ti­fy­ing in hush mon­ey tri­al: Report

Michael Avenatti says he’s spoken to Trump’s team about testifying in hush money trial: Report

Michael Ave­nat­ti, the dis­graced attor­ney who once rep­re­sent­ed adult film star Stormy Daniels, said he has been in con­tact with Don­ald Trump’s legal team about tes­ti­fy­ing in the for­mer president’s New York tri­al, accord­ing to a report from the New York Post.
Ave­nat­ti is serv­ing a 19-year sen­tence at a low-secu­ri­ty prison in Los Ange­les for var­i­ous extor­tion, fraud, and embez­zle­ment con­vic­tions, includ­ing iden­ti­ty theft and wire fraud for steal­ing from Daniels. He told the out­let from prison that he would be “more than hap­py to tes­ti­fy” in the Trump tri­al and that he had been in touch with the pre­sump­tive Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial nominee’s legal team “for the bet­ter part of a year.”
A grand jury vot­ed to indict Trump on March 30, 2023. He stands accused of fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records to cov­er up hush mon­ey pay­ments to Daniels for the alleged affair they had in 2006.
Ave­nat­ti said he did not know what …