Ter­ror Groups Evac­u­ate Their Posi­tions After Biden Admin Tips Them Off To Their Plans

Terror Groups Evacuate Their Positions After Biden Admin Tips Them Off To Their Plans

The Iran­ian-backed ter­ror­ists respon­si­ble for mur­der­ing three U.S. sol­diers, and injur­ing dozens more, in an attack over the week­end have start­ed to evac­u­ate their bases after Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s admin­is­tra­tion leaked to the media this week that they are gear­ing up to respond by car­ry­ing out a sus­tained bomb­ing cam­paign.
The news comes after NBC News report­ed on Wednes­day that the U.S. retal­ia­to­ry strikes would be a “cam­paign” that lasts “weeks,” accord­ing to U.S. offi­cials.
The offi­cials went as far as to say that the U.S. would tar­get “Iran­ian tar­gets out­side Iran, and the cam­paign will involve both strikes and cyber oper­a­tions,” the report added.
CBS News report­ed late on Wednes­day that the the ter­ror groups that make up Islam …