CNN’s Tap­per Touts U.S. Cit­i­zen Liv­ing in Gaza Call­ing for Cease­fire

On Wednes­day after­noon’s The Lead, CNN host Jake Tap­per did his part to under­mine Israel’s war effort by show­ing a pre-record­ed piece high­light­ing the sto­ry of an Amer­i­can cit­i­zen liv­ing in Gaza who has a “resound­ing mes­sage” for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden about why he was allow­ing her to suf­fer even though she choos­es to live there.
 Tap­per teased the sto­ry before a com­mer­cial break: “An Amer­i­can teacher trapped for hours under rub­ble after her home in Gaza was hit. Her m …