Michi­gan to send month­ly pay­ments of $528 to low-income small-busi­ness own­ers today

Michigan to send monthly payments of 8 to low-income small-business owners today

Res­i­dents of Ann Arbor, Michi­gan, who applied to receive month­ly pay­ments of $528 under a pro­gram for low-income small busi­ness own­ers and entre­pre­neurs will see their third check today.
Pay­ments start­ed going out this year to one hun­dred appli­cants who were select­ed to par­tic­i­pate in a two-year guar­an­teed income pilot pro­gram called Guar­an­teed Income to Grow Ann Arbor, led by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michigan’s Pover­ty Solu­tions team.
Pay­ments will be sent out on the 15th of each month, depend­ing on when week­ends or hol­i­days fall, Kristin Seefeldt, the asso­ciate direc­tor of Pover­ty Solu­tions, con­firmed to the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er this week. The pay­ments are slat­ed to run through 2025.
“This guar­an­teed income pilot is about cel­e­brat­ing res­i­dents who do much to strength­en our com­mu­ni­ty but are still strug­gling to make ends mee …