Adult site founder claims Ohio GOP Sen­ate can­di­date Moreno’s alleged pro­file was a ‘prank’

Adult site founder claims Ohio GOP Senate candidate Moreno’s alleged profile was a ‘prank’

Ohio‘s 2024 Sen­ate hope­ful Bernie Moreno was cleared of hav­ing an adult web­site account by the site’s founder Sat­ur­day.
Adult Friend Find­er founder Andrew Con­ru debunked an Asso­ci­at­ed Press report claim­ing Moreno had an account in 2008. This alleged account claimed to be “look­ing for young guys to have fun.” The rev­e­la­tion came from a 2016 hack into the site’s data, which Con­ru apol­o­gized for.
“I reviewed all the avail­able infor­ma­tion and it showed that the account had only a sin­gle vis­it, no activ­i­ty, no pro­file pho­to, con­sis­tent with a prank or some­one just check­ing out the site. That’s it,” Con­ru wrote on X. “It’s impor­tant to rec­og­nize that even tem­po­rary access to an email account is suf­fi­cient to cre­ate a fake dat­ing pro­file in some­one else’s name.”

As the founder and some­one who wro …