Con­necti­cut Democ­rats rip Biden’s pro­posed cuts to sub pro­duc­tion

Connecticut Democrats rip Biden’s proposed cuts to sub production

(The Cen­ter Square) — Mem­bers of Connecticut’s con­gres­sion­al del­e­ga­tion are crit­i­ciz­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s pre­lim­i­nary bud­get pro­pos­al that would cut spend­ing for nuclear sub­ma­rine pro­duc­tion, say­ing the move would cost jobs and impact the state’s econ­o­my.
The Pen­ta­gon announced on Mon­day that it plans to cut a Vir­ginia class sub­ma­rine built by Gro­ton, Con­necti­cut-based Elec­tric Boat from its pro­posed fis­cal 2025 defense bud­get.
Con­gress­man Joe Court­ney, a rank­ing mem­ber of the House Seapow­er and Pro­jec­tion Forces Sub­com­mit­tee, said the move wou …