MSNBC’s Symone Sanders: ‘A Lit­tle Sex­ism, Racism’ Behind Fani Willis Inves­ti­ga­tion

<div>MSNBC's Symone Sanders: 'A Little Sexism, Racism' Behind Fani Willis Investigation</div>

The French have an expres­sion: what had to hap­pen, has hap­pened.
It was inevitable that the race-and-gen­der cards would be played in defense of Fani Willis. 
And sure enough, on the Sat­ur­day episode of MSNBC’s The Week­end that she co-anchors, Symone Sanders claimed that “If Fani Willis was a man named Frank who hired Susie, ” an inves­ti­ga­tion like the one into Willis would­n’t have hap­pened.
Sanders admit­ted to being “very ani­mat­ed” on the matter–which, if you view the video, you’ll see was a con­sid­er­able under­state­ment!
And just as she was about to yield the floor to oth­er pan­elists, Sanders snuck in “It’s a lit­tle sex­ist. It’s a lit­tle racist.”
Well, he was­n’t named Frank, but has Sanders per­haps heard of Peter Ger­sten, the two-star gen­er­al who was fired from his com­mand posi­tion and demot­ed to colonel for hav­ing a sex­u­al rela­tion­ship with a female sub­or­di­nate?
And then there was the heav­i­ly-cov­ered case of David Petraeus, anoth­er male pers …