The long push to abol­ish New Jersey’s ‘coun­ty-line’ bal­lot sys­tem

The long push to abolish New Jersey’s ‘county-line’ ballot system

New Jersey’s unique bal­lots have come under scruti­ny for decades for claims of vot­er sup­pres­sion and manip­u­la­tion. Now a high-pro­file law­suit and a sur­pris­ing­ly com­pet­i­tive Sen­ate race have thrown the state’s bal­lot into the pub­lic eye.  
Nine­teen of New Jersey’s 21 coun­ties use the “coun­ty-line” bal­lot sys­tem. The coun­ty line places par­ty-backed can­di­dates in one row or col­umn with oth­er can­di­dates placed some­where else on the bal­lot in what is some­times called “bal­lot Siberia.” Stud­ies con­firm that can­di­dates in the coun­ty line are more like­ly to be elect­ed.
Patri­cia Cam­pos-Med­i­na, a Demo­c­rat run­ning against Rep. Andy Kim (D‑NJ) and New Jersey’s first lady Tam­my Murp …