Biden and Irish leader ‘stand proud­ly against tyran­ny’ in hon­or­ing St. Patrick’s Day at White House

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden cel­e­brat­ed St. Patrick’s Day on Sun­day by wel­com­ing Irish Prime Min­is­ter Leo Varad­kar to the White House, where both men tout­ed the “strong” bond between their coun­tries. 
Biden, who has always been staunch­ly proud of his Irish her­itage, and the taoiseach host­ed a recep­tion to cel­e­brate the Irish hol­i­day in the East Room, where both men deliv­ered remarks tout­ing their shared desire for a cease­fire in Gaza and a Ukrain­ian vic­to­ry against Russia’s mil­i­tary offen­sive. 
“St. Patrick’s Day is about friend­ship. We have many friends here today because St. Patrick is a moment of great uni­ty in Wash­ing­ton,” Biden said. “Whether you’re from a red state or a blue state, on this day, you’re Irish green.”
“We cel­e­brate the bonds of our friend­ship today, con­nect­ing mi …