‘Com­plete Pro­pa­gan­da’: Media And Biden Cam­paign Blast­ed Over Cov­er­age Of Trump’s ‘Blood­bath’ Pre­dic­tion

‘Complete Propaganda’: Media And Biden Campaign Blasted Over Coverage Of Trump’s ‘Bloodbath’ Prediction

Lega­cy media out­lets and the Biden-Har­ris cam­paign are fac­ing blow­back for pick­ing up on for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump pre­dict­ing a “blood­bath” if he does not win a sec­ond term in 2024 while con­ceal­ing that he was talk­ing about the auto indus­try.
Con­text­less head­lines arose from Trump’s speech in Ohio on Sat­ur­day, less than a week after he sur­passed the req­ui­site thresh­old of del­e­gates — 1,215 — to secure the GOP pres­i­den­tial nom­i­na­tion, paving the way to a 2020 rematch against Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in the gen­er­al elec­tion.

We are wit­ness­ing the inven­tion of the “blood­bath” hoax in real-time
Unfor­tu­nate­ly for them, we have 𝕏
Media nar­ra­tive: Full con­text: pic.twitter.com/jaYDvtGomn
— End Wok­e­ness (@EndWokeness) March 17, 2024

“Chi­na now is build­ing a cou­ple of mas­sive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mex­i­co a …