Ex-Star Wars actress says focus is ‘clear­ing my name’ in law­suit with Dis­ney

Ex-Star Wars actress says focus is ‘clearing my name’ in lawsuit with Disney

For­mer Star Wars actress Gina Cara­no stat­ed in a new inter­view that she is focused on clear­ing her name in her law­suit with the Walt Dis­ney Com­pa­ny and Lucas­film, which she announced last month.
The law­suit relates to the “smear cam­paign” that Cara­no under­went when she was fired from her role in the Star Wars tele­vi­sion series The Man­dalo­ri­an, with the law­suit being fund­ed by X own­er Elon Musk. In dis­cussing her law­suit, Cara­no was asked if she had a spe­cif­ic amount of mon­ey she would like to win.
“I know this might sound odd, but I’m not think­ing about that,” Cara­no told the Hol­ly­wood Reporter. “I’m think­ing about clear­ing my name. I’m think­ing about final­ly being health­i­er and hav­ing this mon­key off my back and telling my sto­ry and just get­ting on with my life. Final­ly.” 

FILE – This Oct. 19, 2019, file pho­to shows Gina Cara­no at the Dis­ney Plus launch event pro­mot­ing “The Man­dalo­ri­an” at the Lon­don West Hol­ly­wood hotel in West Hol­ly­wood, Calif. (Pho­to by Mark Von Holden/Invision/AP, File)

Cara­no was fired from her role in the show in Feb­ru­ary 2021 after …