Media’s Wall-To-Wall Cov­er­age Of Trump ‘Blood­bath’ Com­ment Deliv­ers Zero Con­text

Media’s Wall-To-Wall Coverage Of Trump ‘Bloodbath’ Comment Delivers Zero Context

Mul­ti­ple media out­lets, lib­er­al pun­dits, and pret­ty much every­one who can’t stand for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump engaged in a vir­tu­al feed­ing fren­zy over the week­end, froth­ing at the mouth over his cam­paign ral­ly com­ment promis­ing a “blood­bath” if his 2024 pres­i­den­tial bid is unsuc­cess­ful.
Any­one read­ing the head­lines pub­lished by a num­ber of main­stream out­lets might believe that Trump was not just pre­dict­ing, but call­ing for, polit­i­cal vio­lence if he were to lose anoth­er elec­tion.

The New York Times: Trump Says Some Migrants Are ‘Not Peo­ple’ and Pre­dicts a ‘Blood Bath’ if He Los­es